Hold Still - made it into the 100 images of 2020!
I received some great news a few weeks ago when I was informed that my image of the Sheringham Primary School children with the huge rainbow had been selected for the final 100 images for the National Portrait Gallery's 'Hold Still' project - https://www.npg.org.uk/hold-still/Selected by a board which included HRH The Duchess of Cambridge from over 31,000 entries it is a huge honour to have the shot recognised but of course all I did was turn up & take the photo. The credit for this goes to the children and staff at Sheringham Primary who thought of the idea and carried it out beautifully.The project has had some amazing publicity this week with the shot being shown in every BBC News broadcast nationally and on BBC Breakfast TV, plus appearing in many national papers & online versions and even Vogue magazine! Links to a few below....Daily Mail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8728563/Kate-Middleton-unveils-100-photos-world-coped-coronavirus.html