Lyndsey & Dan - pre-wedding photos at Plantation Garden, Norwich

As you can probably tell from the number of blog posts going on here at the moment, it's been a busy week for me.  I'm starting to feel the strain but that may be down to an almost non-existent night's sleep last night due to being conned into sleeping in a tent in the garden with the kids.  What with coughing all night on one side of me and snoring on the other by the time the dawn chorus kicked off at 4:15am I was ready to take shotgun to the songbirds.  Sorry to carry on about it but those birds weren't in song, they were SHOUTING, I've never heard birdsong like it.Anyway, back on topic... I met Lyndsey and Dan at the Plantation Garden in Norwich, it was a location I hadn't shot at before so it was really interesting to see what we could make out of it.  The garden is an amazing little place, like a secret garden pretty much in the centre of the city.Below are some of my favourite shots of the afternoon...For the full gallery of photos of Lyndsey and Dan at Plantation Garden click here.


Ruth & Sam - a pre-wedding shoot at Wells beach


Sarah & Dan - a classic Norfolk wedding...