Mick & Sheila - a winter wedding at Cley Mill

My last wedding of the year and Mick & Sheila picked a cracking day for a winter wedding.  It was a mild, clear and still day with stunning blue Norfolk skies at this iconic North Norfolk wedding venue.I was only at the mill for a couple of hours so not a lot of time to get the normal range of shots I aim for at a wedding but I still think we managed to capture the event well!Below, ringbearer (and Mick's grandson) Thomas carefully keeps the rings where he can see them!Below, Sheila looked really elegant, and Mick brought along his specially made cufflinks which read 'I'd rather be in the pub'!For the full gallery of shots from Mick & Sheila's wedding at Cley MIll click here (the password is their surname).


2009 Wedding & Pre-wedding faves


Tallulah - rockin' the studio!