Nathalie and Oliver tie the knot...

Nathalie and Ollie had an amazing wedding in so many ways - the service was an outdoor one at the temple at Holkham Hall, luckily the weather was just perfect so everyone was able to sit in the open air. They were whisked away in a friend's Ford Mustang with the roof down to their reception venue - Nathalie's family home at Brancaster with absolutely stunning views across Brancaster salt marsh.After a champagne and canape reception they were then served a wonderful meal, (thanks guys, the lamb was awesome), and the evening entertainment was none other than sixties soul legend Geno Washington and the Ram Jam band and they sounded amazing!Below, the view from the rear of the house, not bad eh?Below, the Temple at Holkham.Below, guests reflected in the wing mirror of the Mustang.As Nathalie and Oliver prepare to leave the Secret Service guys kept the crowds from mobbing them.Below, a perfect evening for a back garden wedding reception, Brancaster Staithe in the background.Below, probably the most glamorous sausages in a basket the world has seen.Below, all 160 place settings were marked with the guests name in Scrabble letters, I probably wouldn't advise attempting this unless you are a current/previous managing director of Spears games, it could get quite expensive!Below, looking back at the house with the wedding guests in the garden enjoying champagne in this glorious Norfolk evening. I did get a few funny comments as I wandered off across the marsh!Below, you can't beat a good long veil for a beautiful photograph!Below, there were six speeches in all, everyone of them very funny and entertaining.Below, wouldn't you love to know what they are saying!Below, on to the first dance...Below, Geno does his thang.For the full gallery of shots from Nathalie and Oliver's wedding click here - if you've got time the slideshow option is a great way to view them.


Helen & Michael tie the knot...


Heidi & Dan tie the knot...