Nick & Martha - a wedding at Drayton Old Lodge

I've known Nick since we were about six years old, we were at school together for the long haul and up until a few months ago I hadn't seen him in nearly 20 years.One Sunday morning I was down at the lifeboat shed cleaning down the boat after one of our Sunday morning exercises when I spotted Nick & his father wandering past.  We had a quick chat, the usual - what you up to now, it's been a while, good to see you again, etc, and went our merry ways.A few weeks later I had a mail from Nick saying he was getting married in February and could I send over some prices for my photography.... and here we are.It was a crisp winter's day at Drayton Old Lodge, crisp but a little damp and muddy - hence not many outdoor photos.  Nick & Martha had arranged a really relaxed, fun wedding, right from the 50's sci-fi themed wedding invitations to the fun & games laid on for the 36 children attending (along with their parents!).Below are some of my favourite shots of the day, my main aim was to capture the personalities of the people and fun of the event which I hope will come across in the images....Below, it was all too much for some, I still have no idea how this little fella managed to actually go to sleep on a hard wooden floor but he was out cold!Below, Nick & Martha had the excellent Sean Alexander performing incredible magic throughout the reception - in this one Nick tries to work out how Sean managed to warp a coin he just gave him.Below, Sean Alexander then put on a full illusion show including this trick where he got Nick to conceal a 4 inch steel spike inside one of four polystyrene cups and then had to try & guess which one had the spike under it - to prove which ones were safe Nick's hand was pushed right down onto the cups so this reaction from Nick is fully justified!Below left, some decided the food was more of a fashion accessory than a foodstuff.Below right, time for bed!For the full gallery of shots from this wedding at Drayton old Lodge click here.  (although the full gallery is password protected at Nick & Martha's request so you'll need to get the password from them).


Vicky & Dan - a pre-wedding shoot at Cley


MyVision workshop 2010 - my results