Portrait shoot with Guy and Anna

Every so often I have a shoot where everything comes together, we get perfect weather, in a great location with subjects that can do no wrong and yesterday was one of those occasions. Guy and Anna had been given a portrait shoot as an engagement present from their parents and chose to have the shoot at Wells beach.We were walking through the sand barefoot, there wasn't a breath of wind and the sun was slowly setting after one the warmest days I've ever known for April, we'd already got some great shots in the bag and it struck me how lucky I was to be doing this and getting paid for it, I hate to gloat but I love my job!Below are a small selection of some of my favourite shots of the afternoon, it was tough narrowing down to just these few but you can see the full selection by following the link at the bottom of this post.Thank you to Guy and Anna for being such fun to work with and for being up for all my daft suggestions, at one point, for a joke, I suggested Anna jump out of the tree into Guy's arms, the next thing I knew Anna had launched herself at Guy! I had a great time yesterday and hope you both did too.See the full gallery of shots here - for the best viewing experience turn your speakers on (sorry the music is a bit lame but I'm tied into royalty-free music for this bit) and select the slideshow option.


NNR Driver Experience Day 28.04.08


Portrait shoot with the Baggaleys