Snow Day! Making the most of the first decent snowfall in Norfolk in years

I don't often post up family shots here in my business blog but we had a great day today and got some lovely shots so I thought I'd share a few.Between myself and my partner Leanne we have 5 children so we get to be big kids ourselves as often as we like but we haven't had a decent snowfall here in North Norfolk for a good few years.  Five maybe?  Possibly more.So when we woke up this morning to see a good 3-4inches of snow had fallen and the schools were closed we grabbed all the warm gear and headed out to make the most of it.  We spent the morning making snowmen, an igloo, a snow cat and hurling snowballs at each other.  After an hour thawing out, drinking hot chocolate & having some lunch we got kitted up again (warm from the tumble drier!) and headed up to the golf course/cliffs at Sheringham for some sledging.The conditions in the wind were pretty much Siberian, with bitter blizzards blowing across in the 45mph winds but we found some good runs in the shelter of Skelding Hill and spent the next few hours hurling ourselves down on various contraptions. It was so much fun!  Here's a few photos of our twice in a decade afternoon....


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