Wendy & Brett tie the knot...

Off to Caistor Hall for Brett & Wendy's wedding at the weekend. Wendy and the girls were preparing at Dunston Hall so I stopped off there first to get some shots of them getting ready.Wendy had a lucky sixpence glued to the underside of her shoe.Just as I was walking with Brett & Wendy to get in position for their receiving line Brett thought he heard a tinkling sound behind them, we went back and sure enough the lucky sixpence was lying there, lucky Brett's got good hearing!Below, I love Wendy's expression and the warm colours in this shot!Below, as the bridesmaids pick confetti off Wendy, Wendy picks confetti off Brett. Is it just me or does this shot remind you of a program David Attenborough once presented where some highly intelligent creatures not too far removed from ourselves are grooming each other?!Hello Sailor!Below, Wendy's reaction to one of the stories in Brett's speech.Below, looks like someone's ready for bed!Brett & Wendy have asked that I don't make the full gallery accessible until their return from honeymoon on Oct 15th but you can still click here to get to the gallery page and enter your email address which will ensure you are alerted as soon as the gallery is opened!


Rebecca & Stephen tie the knot...


Helen & Michael tie the knot...